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BRUSHING - Use a soft bristle brush and always hold extensions at the root area when brushing to avoid unnecessary tension om the roots and bonds. Start from the bottom and work your way up to the roots.

WASHING - Before washing, detangle hair with a wide tooth comb. Carefully wash with luke warm water and a mild shampoo. Wash hair in the shower keeping the hair in a downward flow. Do not rub or twist the hair as this will cause tangling.

CONDITIONING - Apply conditioner through the mid-lengths to ends of the hair. never apply conditioner at the root area and the bonds as this will result in the extensions slipping out. Use a good quality conditioner, alternatively use a conditioner recommended for permed or colour treated hair.

AFTER WASHING - Gently pat wet hair with a towel to remove excess water without rubbing it. Gently comb through with a wide tooth comb, Separate extensions at the root area before drying, make sure each one is hanging separate from its neighbouring connection. This ensures that the bonds do not stick together. If bonds do get stuck together, they need to be separated. Do not brush wet hair as this will cause the hair to shed and break off.

DRYING - Always use a cool to medium setting on your hair dryer or heat from tongs and rollers onto the bonding area, as this will cause the bonds to melt and soften or get stuck to each other strands.

SLEEPING - When sleeping, gently plait the hair or tie loosely in a soft band to prevent tangling. Never sleep on wet hair and always make sure hair is completely dry before going to bed.

GENERAL WEAR - Do not apply unnecessary tension to the bond and root areas by tying ponytails too tight or too high. Wash your hair after exercise, swimming etc. It is recommended to wear your hair in a loose ponytail when you swim or exercise. Please not, excessive pulling or picking of extensions may result in bonds breaking down and extensions coming out and your own hair breaking off.

By making sure you take he correct care of your hair extensions and by following these guidelines, your hair extensions should last around 12 weeks. After this period, the extensions will need to be removed professionally. Do not pull or pick out extensions, as this will result in damaging your own hair.

Star Extensions

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